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Black Eyed peas concert

This month, in the Hammersmith Apollo, I attended my first ever classical concert. It was the best event of the year! I have always loved the Black Eyes Peas. For some generations they grew up with the Beatles and the Who as their music bands. For me, I very much grew up with Black Eyes peas.

In 2006 they got their first taste of fame as a music band while doing the Honda Civic tour which they did with the Pussycat dolls. This really put them on the map as the next upcoming music band, and they pulled it off successfully. It was their first remix album (where you mash different types of music into one piece of music) which in part led to their growing success. They played songs like Disco club and "My style" which was a hit in America. The remix album was successful which was their lunchpad into the world of fame.

Their first big song on the dance floor was the incredibly famous song 'where is the love'. I like the song, yet I think at this point, they were just starting on their best hits. There were many more chart-toppers that were to follow, such as the famous 'Boom boom pow. This song is my overall favourite as I connect with it on a emotional level.

William Adams, known as Will I Am, is a key player in the band as he was able to motivate the other band players. I personally think that Will I am is my hero. He was born in 1975 and he became a awesome singer. Will I Am first caught the attention of the public when he started his own hip hop underground group. Will I Am has my personal sympathy as he never met his father and this makes me respect him even more! His wonderful mother was his influence in his life and by all accounts she was amazing .

William Adams is sometimes better known as the judge on the TV show called the voice, as well as being the founder of the Black Eyed Peas. He is without doubt my personal hero in the celebrity world. He has had a gilded career in music having worked with with Brittany Spears and Justin Bieber, to name but two.

It was their fifth ever album and was released in 2009, which was their most famous album. "The E N. D" really put the Black Eyes peas in the fame spotlight. I love all the songs from there as they are very cool songs. I think that in another life I could have made a awesome Will I am.

My mother had bought me two Black Eyed peas tickets as I often played their music on Spotify. I was very excited. I went to the concert with my friend Laura who is a music teacher. I could not think of a better companion. I have never ventured to the Apollo Hammersmith, which I only ever had seen on television when my favourite comedian Michal Mcyintrye was on.

The world really comes to you when you are in London was the phrase that kept spinning around my head. I was very excited whilst queuing . One of my illnesses is getting too excited and trust me when I say that I was very, very excited at the concert. (As an aside, I am not overly keen on being excited. I believe that excitement for me is often linked to obsession. It is a discovery I have made recently discovery on my own personal explorations!)

When we went inside the Hammersmith Apollo theatre they had turned the stage into a awesome nightclub. When I first saw what they had done to the Apollo, I thought we had walked into the wrong theatre. It was a dance floor and a nightclub combined for one night. We were very close to the stage and we raved liked wolves, I felt like a king in the theatre! I too believe that when one is growing up it is important to embrace the nightclub scene.

Overall, it was a very special experience as I have always loved the Black Eyes Peas. In fact going to there concert meant that I loved them even more. When one has gone to one of their concerts one feels very cool afterwards. It's hard to explain but they give you their cool vibe. I am even listening to one of there songs as I write this for my readers and I hope I have inspired you to listen to them on Spotify too.

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