Imperial Wharf
When I am not at Hurlingham or in a museum learning about history. I am of course with my wonderful friend John at his wicked flat in Imperial Wharf. Last time I was there, we were both talking about our enjoyment of the television show Lucifer and were saying that Lucifer would not be averse to visiting Imperial Wharf himself.
What one is basically getting with Imperial Wharf is the incredible view of the river Thames that not most people get to see. I think there should be an artist in residence on the balcony to paint the view. It is a privilege to have had so many splendid dinners there. The only downside is that there is no jacuzzi, which, reader, you may know is a necessity for me! Although there is a huge television that is the size of a wall, which makes up for it! Sometimes I wonder how one survives without these every day luxuries.
What I most like about Imperial wharf is the company. I forget that I am listening to an Oxford Graduate so I am inheriting his education. That is a true privalage, because then I can use this education to help me write my blogs or direct my reading. My favourite aspect about our dinners, is the view from the balcony. It is one hell of a view especially in the summer. Although I am personally looking forward to Winter and perhaps even seeing a blizzard, what a photo that would make!
The history of Imperial wharf is a rather an interesting story. When the power station down the road was running, it was a smoggy, noisy place where people did not want to live (a bit like Battersea on the other side of the river.) As a result, it was quite run down and considered the "dodgy" end of Chelsea. All of that changed and by the end of the twentieth century it was being developed into the smart apartment complexes we see today.
I am a lucky devil, as not many people have had these special experiences like I have been fortunate enough to have. It is why I share and write about it, because they really are breathtaking.
It is the best of times and the worst of times, to quote Charles Dickens. London may not have changed all that much since his time, and I am certainly on the best of times side of things, however, when I gaze from the balcony onto the Thames (which means "dark water" in Latin), I am reminded that I am but mortal and life is special. When One gazes from the balcony it truly is out of this world .