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Is Boris Johnson the new Winston Churchill

The ancient Greeks were know to say that "character is destiny". If this is to be considered a truism, then I personally think that Boris Johnson is the new Churchill.

There are many similarities between Churchill and Boris Johnson. They are, to my mind, both geniuses, have very unique personalities, and when you have the privilege of listening to Boris speak in public, he seems to exude the same charm and charisma that Churchill once did. Thus, I believe the character of the great Churchill is echoed in Boris as we see him today,

Boris Johnson and Winston Churchill are both known to be superb storytellers and writers. They both have a knack for it; an innate skill. In their early careers they were both journalists. Churchill believed in changing the course of history by looking back on past history and he was a rogue; both traits that Boris seems to embody.

Churchill was known for his oratory prowess, and equally it is amazing to listen to Boris Johnson speak. Both had an incredible grasp of the English language and managed to manipulate it (and their listeners) to their advantage. I also feel that Boris would have had a similar sense of humour to Churchill.

Furthermore, just as Churchill was considered a loose cannon, so Boris Johnson is considered to be just as politically dangerous. (One must consider that Churchill was once derided for his views on Hitler, but in the end he was correct, will Boris be equally proven right in his views about Brexit?)

There are of course, some small difference to note: Churchill had a long career in public service, while Boris Johnson is just getting started on his. Boris Johnson got a scholarship to Eton and went on to study at Oxford, whilst Churchill went to Sandhurst and then become the best paid journalist of his day. And of course, unlike Churchill, Boris Johnson was not born in Blenheim Palace but in Wimbledon in London.

However, even with all of these differences being stated, I do think that one would find it hard to deny that Boris is as clever and as ruthless as Churchill once was.

With these similarities in character will Boris end up, as the Greeks once suggested; embarking the same destiny as Churchill? Perhaps he will become PM, but even so, I think he shall create his own destiny and surprise us all.

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